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De Boer, M., Konop, A., Fisher, B. Changes in Hair Coat Length and Diameter in Blanketed and Nonblanketed Adult Horses in the Winter, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 120 (2023) 104191 Dittmann M. T., Hess T., Arpagaus S., Müller-Quirin J., Weishaupt M. A., Latif S. N. (2022) The effects of different saddle pads on the pressure exerted on the equine back by correctly fitting dressage saddles. Pferdeheilkunde 38, 100–108; DOI 10.21836/PEM20220201 Dittmann, M. T., Arpagaus, S., Hungerbühler, V., Weishaupt, M. A., & Latif, S. N. (2021). “Feel the Force”—Prevalence of subjectively assessed saddle fit problems in Swiss riding horses and their association with saddle pressure measurements and back pain. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 99, 103388. Eisersiö, M., Yngvesson, J., Hartmann, E., Egenvall, A. Gaping for relief? Rein tension at onset and end of oral behaviors and head movements in unridden horses Journal of Veterinary Behavior 59 (2023) 8–14 González, M. E., & Šarabon, N. (2022). Effects of saddle tilt and stirrup length on the kinetics of horseback riders. PeerJ, 10, e14438. Harman, J.C. (1994) Practical use of a computerized saddle pressure measuring device to determine the effects of saddle pads on the horse's back. J. equine vet. Sci. 14, 606- 611. Harman, J.C. (1997) Measurements of the pressures exerted by saddles on the horse's back using a computerized pressure measuring device. Pferdeheilkunde 13, 129- 134. Harman, J.C. (2004) The Horse's Pain-Free Back and Saddle-Fit Book: Ensure Soundness and Comfort with Back Analysis and Correct Use of Saddles and Pads. Trafalgar Square Publishing, North Pomfret. Hawson, L. A., McLean, A. N., & McGreevy, P. D. (2013). A retrospective survey of riders' opinions of the use of saddle pads in horses. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 8(2), 74-81. Hilary M. Clayton, LeeAnn J. Kaiser, Sandra Nauwelaerts, Pressure on the horse’s withers with three styles of blanket, The Veterinary Journal, Volume 184, Issue 1, 2010, Pages 52-55, ISSN 1090-0233 Janura, M., Cabell, L., Svoboda, Z., Dvorakova, T., Haltmayer, E., & Janurova, E. (2012). A review of pressure measurement on the contact surface between the horse and the rider. Pferdeheilkunde, 28(5), 583-593. Kotschwar, A. B., Baltacis, A., & Peham, C. (2010). The influence of different saddle pads on force and pressure changes beneath saddles with excessively wide trees. The Veterinary Journal, 184(3), 322-325. Kotschwar, A. B., Baltacis, A., & Peham, C. (2010). The effects of different saddle pads on forces and pressure distribution beneath a fitting saddle. Equine veterinary journal, 42(2), 114-118. MacKechnie-Guire R., Fisher M., Pfau T. (2021) Effect of a half pad on pressure distribution in sitting trot and canter beneath a saddle fitted to industry guidelines. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 96, 103307; DOI 10.1016/j.jevs.2020.103307 Nyikos, S., Werner, D., Müller, J. A., Buess, C., Keel, R., Kalpen, A., ... & von Rechenberg, B. (2005). Elektronische satteldruckmessungen im zusammenhang mit rückenproblemen bei pferden. Pferdeheilkunde, 21, 187-198. Peham, C., Kotschwar, A. B., Borkenhagen, B., Kuhnke, S., Molsner, J., & Baltacis, A. (2010). A comparison of forces acting on the horse’s back and the stability of the rider’s seat in different positions at the trot. The Veterinary Journal, 184(1), 56-59. Vogt, A., Kubiak, M., Sauter, H. (2019) Horses’ voluntary acceptance of rein tension with various bitless bridles compared to a single-jointed snaffle bit Journal of Veterinary Behavior Clinical Applications and Research 29:152 DOI:10.1016/j.jveb.2018.06.019 von Peinen K., Wiestner T., von Rechenberg B., Weishaupt M. A. (2010) Relationship between saddle pressure measurements and clinical signs of saddle soreness at the withers. Equine Vet. J. 42, 650–653; DOI 10.1111/j.2042-3306.2010.00191.x Werner, D., Nyikos, S., Kalpen, A., Geuder, M., Haas, C., Vontobel, H.-D., Auer, J.A. and Von Rechenberg, B. (2002) Druckmessungen unter dem Sattel: Eine Studie mit einem elektronischen Sattel-Messsystem (Novel GmbH). Pferdeheilkunde 18, 125- 140.