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Berger, J., Bondi, A., Dyson, S., Ellis, A., Lindegaard, C., Martin, C., ... & Thomson, K. (2022) Commentary on Ladewig et al.: The uses, values, and limitations of the Ridden Horse Pain Ethogram Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 57, 31-34. Dittmann, M. T., Latif, S. N., Hefti, R., Hartnack, S., Hungerbühler, V., & Weishaupt, M. A. (2020). Husbandry, use, and orthopedic health of horses owned by competitive and leisure riders in Switzerland. Journal of equine veterinary science, 91, 103107. Dyson, S. & Murray, R. (2003) Pain associated with the sacroiliac joint region: a clinical study of 74 horses Equine vet. J. (2003) 35 (3) 240-245 Dyson, S. (2011) Can lameness be graded reliably? Equine vet. J. (2011) 43 (4) 379-382 doi: 10.1111/j.2042-3306.2011.00391.x Dyson, S. & Greve, L. (2016) Subjective Gait Assessment of 57 Sports Horses in Normal Work: A Comparison of the Response to Flexion Tests, Movement in Hand, on the Lunge, and Ridden Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 38 (2016) 1–7 Dyson, S. (2016) Evaluation of poor performance in competition horses: A musculoskeletal perspective. Part 1: Clinical assessment Equine vet. Educ. (2016) 28 (5) 284-293 doi: 10.1111/eve.12426 Dyson, S. (2017) Equine performance and equitation science: Clinical issues Applied Animal Behaviour Science 190 (2017) 5–17 Dyson, S., Berger, J.M., Ellis, A.D. & Mullard, J. (2017) Can the presence of musculoskeletal pain be determined from the facial expressions of ridden horses (FEReq)? Journal of Veterinary Behavior 19 (2017) 78e89 Dyson, S., Ellis, A., Mullard, J. & Berger, J. (2018) Response to Gleerup: Understanding signals that indicate pain in ridden horses Journal of Veterinary Behavior 23 (2018) 87e90 Dyson, S., Berger, J.M., Ellis, A.D. & Mullard, J. (2018) Behavioral observations and comparisons of nonlame horses and lame horses before and after resolution of lameness by diagnostic analgesia Journal of Veterinary Behavior 26 (2018) 64e70 Dyson, S., Berger, J., Ellis, A.D. & Mullard, J. (2018) Development of an ethogram f